

Action, Adventure, Massively Multiplayer
21,814 players online
32,067 bought game
How long can you survive a post-apocalyptic world? A land overrun with an infected "zombie" population, where you compete with other survivors for limited resources. Will you team up with strangers and stay strong together? Or play as a lone wolf to avoid betrayal? This is DayZ – this is your story.
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How long can you survive a post-apocalyptic world? A land overrun with an infected "zombie" population, where you compete with other survivors for limited resources. Will you team up with strangers and stay strong together? Or play as a lone wolf to avoid betrayal? This is DayZ – this is your story.
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Release Date13 декабря 2018 г.
DevelopersBohemia Interactive
PublishersBohemia Interactive
View all supported languages (25)
Multi-playerMMOPvPOnline PvPCo-opOnline Co-opSteam AchievementsSteam WorkshopSteam CloudValve Anti-Cheat enabled

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Screenshot №1 from game DayZ
Screenshot №2 from game DayZ
Screenshot №3 from game DayZ
Screenshot №4 from game DayZ
Screenshot №5 from game DayZ
Screenshot №6 from game DayZ
Screenshot №7 from game DayZ
Screenshot №8 from game DayZ
Screenshot №9 from game DayZ
Screenshot №10 from game DayZ
Screenshot №11 from game DayZ
Screenshot №12 from game DayZ
  • OS: Windows 7/8.1 64-bit
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-4430
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 or AMD R9 270X
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 25 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX®-compatible
  • Additional Notes: Internet connection
  • OS: Windows 10 64-bit
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-6600K or AMD R5 1600X
  • Memory: 12 GB RAM
  • Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 or AMD RX 580
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 30 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX®-compatible
  • Additional Notes: Internet connection

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About the Game
This is your Story

There are no map markers, daily quests, or scoreboards to help you create your story. There is only Chernarus – 230 square kilometers of post-Soviet country that was struck by an unknown virus, which turned the majority of its population into raging infected.

Your task? To survive the collapse of civilization for as long as you possibly can. Keep in mind that death is permanent in unforgiving Chernarus. All you’ll have when you start over again are the memories of your final mistake.

Meet Others

Up to 60 players are struggling to survive by any means necessary at any given time. Make friends, kill on sight, build a base, or risk being betrayed over a can of tasty beans. Use VOIP to interact with other players however you see fit. Every encounter is meaningful when your life is always on the line. Be wary. Stay alert. Trust no one.

Survive Chernarus

The infected aren’t the only ones you need to worry about – there’s also the wildlife and elements. Evade packs of wolves and frenzied bears, find shelter from the punishing rain, search for light in the darkness of night. You’ll also need to master complex survival mechanics concerning your hunger, thirst, body temperature, and more.

Loot Up

Always make sure your gear is ready. Patch up damaged clothes, craft improvised items, and head out to deceptively dead cities to scavenge for valuable resources. Fix a car and hide it in your secret base under a cover of well-placed traps. Step into contaminated zones if you dare and keep your eyes peeled for precious loot. Don’t forget that you won’t get far without a full hazard suit and gas mask.

Take your Shot

Intense PvP action can break out anywhere at any time, especially in hotspots like abandoned military bases, where heart-pounding firefights are all the rage. Some survivors want your loot, others are simply hunting for sport. Then there are those who are afraid you’ll shoot first. Learn how to fight and know when the time has come to swallow your pride and flee. One bullet can change absolutely everything. Always watch your back.

Install Mods

Head on over to the Steam Workshop and find a customized server that fits. Join an active community of like-minded players and modify your DayZ experience to suit your taste. Browse thousands of fan-made features, maps, and guns – all of which are easily managed directly from the game launcher.

Screenshot №1 from game DayZScreenshot №2 from game DayZScreenshot №3 from game DayZ

Reviews about the game


I have been playing this game for 5 years and it has done nothing but improve with each update since then. This is the only survival game that i find myself still enjoying, the amount of strange encounters I've had and funny friends I've made along the way are what keep me coming back. Its the only game that still gives me goose bumps after every firefight and every death has me excited to try new strategies to improve my play style. I love this game too much to stop playing anytime soon and i'm very excited to see what the developers have planned for it in the future.

Sensible Orangutan
Sensible Orangutan
I recommend

It is one of the most complete survival games by far. It is difficult for new players, you need many hours of learning to survive. It has many mechanics that you must discover and that will help you in your adventures. The immersion and atmosphere of this game is on another level. No other game gave me the same feelings as DayZ. The modder community is impressive, they improve and transform the game to adapt to different playing styles, although "my favorite flavor is vanilla" :D. Don't hesitate to try this game, the beginning is difficult but the evolution is encouraging.

Allied Mastodon
Allied Mastodon
I recommend

Game is very modular with all the third-party developers making the game a lot more immerse.

Afraid Quelea
Afraid Quelea
I recommend

fresh spawn 4 life

Secret Marmot
Secret Marmot
I recommend

I will leave the cat here, so that everybody who passes by can pet it and give it a thumbs up and awards       />  フ       |  _  _ l       /` ミ_xノ      /      |     /  ヽ   ノ     │  | | |  / ̄|   | | |  | ( ̄ヽ__ヽ_)__)  \二つ

Philosophical Panda
Philosophical Panda
I recommend

It's an incompetently made game. I defended them for years, they were going through an engine rewrite, gamedev is hard etc, but years after release and continuous development, many major updates, you can't put things down without them occasionally disappearing. If your inventory has slots for the thing you're putting away, even if you're replacing a like for like item (eg: weapon mag,) it will just drop on the ground if they're different orientations in inventory. Even sometimes if they're the same. If you take out a, for example, walkie/GPS (which has its own special inventory slot) with a hotkey, then put it away, the game will ignore that slot and if you have no other space, just drop it on the ground without telling you. Sometimes you'll spawn into the same server you left as an alive character and suddenly be dead for no reason with a new spawn. Walk down a staircase and your character has a seizure. Also - solid objects like walls are often a mere suggestion to the undead. You'll frequently get all the way to military areas, which takes hours, aggro a zombie, and then get kicked because the server can't handle the zombies and loot. But because when you leave your character stays in game for 15s to prevent combat-logging, your character just sits there dying helplessly, even when it's a server frackup, so you die through no fault of your own. which is a common theme It can be a pretty mellow camping simulator, but the game is objectively bad. They removed the mechanics which change your appearance if you're friendly or a bandit because it's "not realistic" but then added a counter for survivors killed, which besides also not being realistic in game psychology means it's the only thing players can track as a form of progression, so of course they'll see that as "what you're supposed to do." Those together destroy any chance of not being killed on sight. The devs do not understand what made the mod back in the day a global phenomenon, because you could arguably look past the fact that the product straight up does not work because it had a great community which had reasons to actually create interesting human stories more interesting than "saw a guy, killed him". It really sucks if one of the best things in your game was the hackers, especially when you get rid of them and realise that substantially, there's nothing really left. You can learn the mechanics, but in any other game that's the start of actually having fun with it, once you figure it out there's nothing more ... There. Also, half of those mechanics are just outright dumb, while the game is supposed to be realistic above all. Open a tin of beans with dirty hands? Of course you'll get sick, because your character decides the best way to eat a mostly liquid food out of a cup-shaped container is to stick your fingers in like a 4-year-old instead of drinking from the tin like a functioning adult. But just-as-dirty gloves are fine. It's something you can learn fast, but it's one of many examples of "realism" actually being fake difficulty that makes no sense to pad out the time you spend in the game before realising its lack of anything real to offer Pros: Can be mellow and beautiful at times if you want a camping / hunting sim with a chance of being murdered at any time. It's also a good exercise in nihilism and learning to accept and embrace loss as an inevitable part of life Cons: Literally everything else. The game is an indefensible, nonfunctioning PoS. It still plays like a pre-alpha, and they actively turned it into a shooter with crazy long rounds instead of the fascinating survival game that made it famous. Which is a real shame, because they began with a winning formula that I adored and systematically fracked up every part of it. 10 years after they started selling the game, it still doesn't have feature parity with the mod that made it, which would be fine as a conscious design decision, which it famously isn't. A ton of people stan it because it lets you experiment with sadism, killing someone actually affecting something they've been working for for hours or days, so they really feel the loss, which is interesting and has its place, but doesn't excuse the product you pay for being outright broken, and it's the only way anyone you're likely to run into actually plays which gets old fast I always eventually come back to this game out of hope, because it had the potential to be more amazing than any other, but I always uninstall it because it's quantifiably bad

Sick Clam
Sick Clam
I don't recommend

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